2D Road

2D Road Conditions

Road Conditions Annotation  Spec Document

Lidar Linking Annotation | IN PROGRESS Last Updated 23/10/23



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Summary of Task

This document contains instructions for annotating road surfaces. This document contains instructions on how to annotate the road surfaces for validation sets. The annotations are used as validation ground truth data in evaluation of the detection function: the Road Surface detection shall detect and classify the Road Material and the Road Conditions within ego lane up to 60m.


General Workflow

1.- Open the task you were assigned

2.- Analyze each frame

3.- Identify which road condition is present in the frame

4.- Annotate the road condition that matches the road condition seen in the frame

For the sake of improved annotation efficiency and accuracy, here are some final general recommendations to consider before and during the annotation process.

 In order to make accurate annotations, using the preceding and following frames is encouraged as it can help clarify the content of confusing regions. However, if the condition cannot be recognized in the current image with enough guarantees, even after using multiple frames, there shall be no annotation.

General guidelines

1. Road damage and Tramrails are labels that can have multiple values at the same time (on the same frame). E.g. in one frame, there can be longitudinal, lateral and sealed cracks on the road, and all should be annotated.

2. All labels except tramrails should be annotated only for ego lane. This, of course is not the case with tramrails that have separate values for ego, left and right lane.

3. Tramrails should be annotated in left/right lane ONLY if they are located in the FIRST left/right lane next to ego lane AND if they are located on DRIVIBLE (for ego vehicle) LANE. E.g. if tramrails exist on the right lane, but that lane is separated from ego lane (often on some unpaved surface), tramrails shouldn't be annotated.

4. For road damage and tramrails, the event start on the first frame where they become visible on the image and ends in the last frame they are visible on the image. So, e.g. if there is lateral crack on the road, you should annotate it first time it's visible in the image and keep annotating every frame until the last frame it's visible.

How to annotate a task?





Enter the task and click on “Events”. The events are used to annotate the Road Condition Events encountered in the task.


Click on “Add Event” to start labeling.


Select a label to create the event.


Once the label is selected, annotate the attributes and duration.


  1. Attribute: Label type
  2. Duration: Frames that the label type is visible.

Global Rules




Required labels in ALL frames

1. Road Surface label should always be set and it's required property in all frames.

    1.1. Road Surface = "Asphalt"

- Road Conditions label is also mandatory and should be set on every frame where we have Asphalt.

- Road damage and Tramrails labels should be set only on frames where they exist.

  1.2. Road Surface = "Cobblestone" or "Unpaved"

- No need to annotate Road conditions and Road damage labels

- Tramrails should be annotated if they exist

If a task has 300 frames and from frames 1-150 the RoadSurface is Asphalt and from frames 151-300 the Road Surface is Cobblestone,

Create 2 separate events for Road Surface.

Event 1: Road Surface-> Asphalt->Duration (1-150)

Event 2: Road Surface-> Cobblestone->Duration (151-300)

Conditional labels

The following labels should only be used in events when visible in the task.


  • Road Damage
  • Train Trams

Labels & Attributes Taxonomy

Group Label



Road Conditions

Road Surface Types

  •  Asphalt (i.e. concrete),
  • Cobblestone (i.e. pavements)  
  • Unpaved (i.e. gravel).

 Road Conditions

  • Dry
  • Moist
  • Wet
  • Snow/Ice
  • Dirt

Road Damage

Road cracks. They can be:

  • Longitudinal
  • Lateral
  • Crocodile/alligator
  • Sealed cracks.


Tram Rails can be:

  • On the ego lane
  • To the left/right of the ego lane.


Labels Description, Rules and Examples

In the following examples, the correct way to annotate the Road Conditions is specified by showing the types of roads there are in the visual resources below.

​​Road Surface Types






Most common road material. Normally used on new large roads, like highways.



Natural building material based on cobble-sized or rectangular quarried stones covering at least 50% of the ego lane.




Unpaved road common in rural areas consisting of crushed stone, sand and fines covering at least 50% of the ego lane.

​​Road Conditions






Ego lane road is not covered by water, snow, ice or other substances



More than 5% and less than 95% of the ego lane road surface is covered with water.




More than 95% of the ego lane road surface is covered with water.




More than 25% of the ego lane road surface is covered with snow, slush or ice.




More than 25% of the ego lane road surface is covered with dirt.

*All road conditions should be annotated only on road surface type Asphalt.*

Road Damage







A crack in ego lane that is parallel to the pavements centerline / driving direction.



A crack in ego lane that is perpendicular to the pavements centerline / driving direction.



A fatigue cracking in ego lane refers to a pattern that resembles the scales on crocodiles/aligator’s skin. The cracks form co-joined, irregular ‘blocks’ that are often four-sided, such as rectangles.





A filled crack in ego lane to prevent entry of water. Crack filler material is typically some form of rubberized asphalt or sand slurry.

*All road damage types should be annotated only on road surface type Asphalt.*






Tramrails are on ego lane.


Tramrails are on the left lane next to ego lane.


Tramrails are on the right lane next to ego lane.




Tramrails are on the ego lane and left lane. Both should be annotated.

Common Errors

Common Error Name



End Frame Annotation

All events should have a start and end frame annotation.

Make sure that the frames are annotated accurately.

Road Rails are NOT TramRails

Do not confuse Road Rails with Tram Trails.

Road Rails are guards that are alongside the roads.

TramRails are rails on the ground used by Trams to drive by.

Road Rails (Incorrect)

TramRails (Correct)

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