Audio Translation,Transcription 

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AI Training Specialist Programme

Generative AI Explained

Multilingual Data Generation
We are seeking a dedicated Content Moderator & Prompt Generator to join our team, proficient in various languages including: 1. Hindi 2.Hinglish 3.Malayalam 4.Kannada 5.Telegu 6.Tamil 7. Bengali 8.Gujarati 9.Marathi. This role requires meticulous attention to detail, a deep understanding of online communities, and the ability to generate engaging prompts that resonate with young audiences.
Finance Domain Expert for AI Applications
Engineering Domain Expert for AI-Driven Innovations
Join us in revolutionizing the finance industry through AI, contributing to improved decision-making and innovative financial solutions.
English Prompt Generation Specialist
English Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization
Hindi Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training

We are currently seeking a highly motivated and skilled intern with a strong command of the Hindi language to join our dynamic team. This individual will be instrumental in performing high-quality audio recordings, following specific scripts and guidelines to support our project's objectives. This role requires a keen attention to detail, excellent pronunciation skills, and a passion for delivering clear and impactful audio recordings.


From $0.84 per minute

Automated Transcripts

From $0.20 per minute

Audio Translation

From $8.80 per minute

Foreign Subtitles

From $11.80 per minute

From only
100% Done by Humans
per minute for 99.2% accuracy
AI Services
per minute for 80-90% accuracy

From $1.22 per minute

Audio and Video Transcription Services

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!Shubh Shuruaat Start Pay ke Sath!

बिजनेस प्रूफ बिजनेस लोन लेने के लिए जरूरी डॉक्यूमेंट - A

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Marketing Domain Expert for AI-Powered Strategies

Gaming Industry Expert for AI Advancements

Legal Domain Expert for AI Advancements

Healthcare Domain Expert for AI Applications

Manipuri Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Dogri Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Nepali Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Maithili Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Assamese Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Oriya Linguist Experts for AI Training & Localization

Multilingual Prompt Generation Specialist
Bengali Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
Odiya Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
Telugu Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
Kannada Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
Tamil Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
Punjabi Linguistic Experts for Audio Recording and AI Training
In this Transcription Editing job, you will not be transcribing audio from scratch. All the audio files are automatically transcribed by AI technology already, but sometimes technology hiccups and portions of audio sometimes don't get transcribed, and the transcription isn't always perfect. That is why it needs to be EDITED before submitted to the client.

In this part, you will edit the transcription that you just did in the previous section. What to do when editing your transcription:

1. Correct all grammar mistakes and misspellings and grammar corrections (you can use Grammarly here)
2. Break up paragraphs into 4-10 lines.
3. Research and validate company/speaker names and make sure all proper names in the transcription are accurate.
4. Remove fillers and repeated words
5. No need to mark speakers, just type continuously.

Before starting your edit, take note of the time you are starting.

इस ट्रांस्क्रिप्शन संपादन कार्य में, आप शुरू से ऑडियो ट्रांसक्राइब नहीं करेंगे। सभी ऑडियो फ़ाइलें पहले से ही एआई तकनीक द्वारा स्वचालित रूप से ट्रांसक्रिप्ट की जाती हैं, लेकिन कभी-कभी प्रौद्योगिकी संबंधी दिक्कतें आती हैं और ऑडियो के कुछ हिस्से कभी-कभी ट्रांसक्रिप्ट नहीं हो पाते हैं, और ट्रांसक्रिप्शन हमेशा सही नहीं होता है। इसीलिए क्लाइंट को सबमिट करने से पहले इसे संपादित करने की आवश्यकता है।

इस भाग में, आप उस प्रतिलेखन को संपादित करेंगे जो आपने पिछले अनुभाग में किया था। अपना प्रतिलेखन संपादित करते समय क्या करें:

1. सभी व्याकरण की गलतियों और गलत वर्तनी और व्याकरण सुधार को ठीक करें (आप यहां व्याकरण का उपयोग कर सकते हैं)
2. अनुच्छेदों को 4-10 पंक्तियों में बाँटें।
3. कंपनी/वक्ता के नामों पर शोध और सत्यापन करें और सुनिश्चित करें कि प्रतिलेखन में सभी उचित नाम सटीक हैं।
4. फिलर्स और दोहराए गए शब्दों को हटा दें
5. स्पीकर को चिह्नित करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है, बस लगातार टाइप करें।

अपना संपादन शुरू करने से पहले, उस समय का ध्यान रखें जिसे आप शुरू कर रहे हैं।

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बिजनेस प्रूफ बिजनेस लोन लेने के लिए जरूरी डॉक्यूमेंट - A

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