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In this task, the input is: text of the phrase and machine-generated audio track on which this phrase is pronounced,

You need to answer whether the given phrase seems to be pronounced correctly (OK) or incorrectly (MISTAKE). The most common mistakes are listed below. You may also come across other types of mistakes. If you are sure that something is a mistake, mark it as such.

There is also an UNCLEAR option in case the text does not make sense or there are:
  • mistakes (spelling or punctuation) in the given. text,
  • words you don't know how to pronounce (e.g. rare toponyms or difficult terms).
If you hear a mistake from the list below in an unclear text though, mark it as a MISTAKE.
We do not consider imperfections which do not affect the phrase clarity as mistakes: e.g., accents, robotic/metallic pronunciation, speech speed, minor intonation problems. Only gross mistake is a MISTAKE in this task.


The list is followed by examples where phrases are pronounced OK or with a MISTAKE.

1. Some sounds (or even words) were skipped, added or replaced by something else.

Text Audio Result Comment
What are we looking for? MISTAKE “fur” instead of “for” is a gross mistake.
Are you OK? MISTAKE Incorrect expansion of abbreviations is a gross mistake (OK = okay).
Okay, I won't play anything like that anymore OK Distinct ending “ing” in “anything” is a minor mistake and should be labeled as OK.

2. Wrong word stress in one or more words

Text Audio Result Comment
If it were otherwise, do you think I would have agreed to sign such a contract with him? MISTAKE Wrong stress in the word “contract”.

3. Strong unnatural pauses/their absence affecting the phrase clarity

Text Audio Result Comment
22:14. MISTAKE The pause makes it hard to understand what is said: "22:14" or "20 to 14".
The top system in the hub task achieved comparable similarity. MISTAKE The pause and intonation divide the sentence into two, which makes it hard to understand.
The top system in the hub task achieved comparable similarity. OK The pause brings some inclarity, but overall the sentence is understandable.

4.Wrong intonation (interrogative / narrative / exclamatory)

Text Audio Result Comment
You've already chosen, right? MISTAKE In this case synthesis changes the meaning of the sentence and you can’t understand it’s a question.
Is it difficult for you to meet deadlines? OK This lack of interrogative intonation is acceptable - you could hear a person say it like that.
One of the doctors invited Kristina, as a barter blogger, to advertise their, well, services. OK The intonation is weird, but it’s not a gross mistake.

5.Significant noises in the audio making sentence unclear

Text Audio Result Comment
Do play it again. MISTAKE The noises in the beginning made the sentence hard to understand (is it "dude" or "do"?).
Wikipedia is what you're looking for. OK Metallic voice is not a mistake, as well as insignificant noises in the background.

6. Foreign words and toponyms

In this task we consider foreign words to be pronounced correctly if such pronunciation is widely used by native English speakers (i.e. doesn't sound weird to them). Notions like “widely used by native speakers” or “sound weird” are subjective; different people may have different opinions. Answer based on your own intuition.
Also, considering toponyms' pronunciation, mark an example as OK/MISTAKE if you know or can guess the correct pronunciation, otherwise - mark it as UNCLEAR.
Text Audio Result Comment
Your trials are over, my good Françoise. MISTAKE You may not know how it needs to be pronounced, but it’s definitely not like that.
Where are you from, mehmet? MISTAKE The arabian name is pronounced with “h”.
The UN has six principal operational organizations. OK It is ok to pronounce this abbreviation as “U N” or “United Nations”. A mistake would be to try to pronounce it as a word or expand an abbreviation incorrectly.

Short cheatsheet

Common mistakes:
  1. Wrong sounds (skipped / added / replaced).
  2. Wrong word stress.
  3. Unnatural pauses affecting the phrase clarity.
  4. Wrong intonation (interrogative / narrative / exclamatory).
  5. Noises which make the sentence unclear.
  6. Special cases: foreign words and toponyms.
Good luck!

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