Please read the following text with attention to answer to the questions provided at the bottom. Make sure you fully inderstand the meaning of each sentence and the information provided:


Pactera breaks down the language barrier so that great products and brands can stand out, with the necessary expertise to make products and content delightful to read and use in any language. Pactera localizes everything, from software to marketing materials, eLearning, multimedia, technical writing, and social media & SEO.


Pactera’s agile workflow supports global go-to-market strategies:

Task-Per-Hours-Per-Minute-Default कार्य-प्रति घंटा-प्रति मिनट-डिफ़ॉल्ट
Your salary or payment is per hour and per munites for all jobs सभी नौकरियों के लिए आपका वेतन या भुगतान प्रति घंटा और प्रति मिनट है
And all jobs are paid weekly. और सभी कार्यो में साप्ताहिक भुगतान मिलता है
$1 To $60 Dollar Payment-"ph"-"pm" 80 से 5000 Rs/- का भुगतान- "ph"-"pm"?
Click and read for more information Payment Terms & Guidelines ??
भुगतान नियम और दिशा निर्देश अधिक जानकारी के लिए क्लिक करें और पढ़ें??

  • Material assessment

After handoff, preparatory work begins. A team of translators is created with the necessary language skills and (where appropriate) domain expertise in the subject matter. Meanwhile, PM and engineering teams are set up, often across three continents, to enable time zone efficiencies and quick turnaround.

  • Translation

Glossaries, style guides, and other references are created to ensure consistency of translated content, and then our expert translators get to work. Where appropriate, we make use of machine translation with human testing and QA.

  • Quality assurance

Quality checks are multi-staged and rigorous. During manual translation, a series of reviews is conducted to ensure accuracy, including proofing by a second translator, plus third-party review. Where machine translation has been used, we test through a combination of regular software-based checks and native speaker reviews.

  • Implementation & testing

Localization teams then prepare translated materials for implementation or final handoff to customers. The localized solutions are then rigorously tested, any bugs are logged, and solutions are implemented as necessary.


  • Project Management Capabilities

Customers highlight our project management abilities as a key differentiator, citing Pactera's unusual proactiveness and accountability. An independent, internal Customer Satisfaction department is responsible for tracking customer happiness with our services.

  • Innovative, Tested Process

Our tried and tested localization process uses a "follow the sun" model to complete work in a continuous, agile manner, enabling 24-hour turnaround on many jobs. We regularly invest in new technology in order to stay at the forefront of innovation in localization.

  • Cost Efficiencies

With thousands of language experts worldwide, Pactera not only has extraordinary global reach, but the ability to optimize where and how work is done. We combine automation, skilled staff in Asia, centers of excellence in the US and EU, and the global linguists to find the most efficient and effective solution for every challenge.

Case study

Pactera helped one client go from 40 localization vendors to just one. It helped streamline their localization workflow so they could scale.

What’s holding you back from scaling your marketing to global markets? It’s not your marketing strategy; it’s the complexity of your localization partnerships. Dealing with multiple localization partners may have worked in the past, providing partners in markets that were hard to reach. Now your product is evolving so quickly, your localization marketing can’t keep up. You would love to consolidate but few localization vendors can handle an end-to-end workflow in all your target markets at the high velocity at which your product is evolving. There is one localization service provider, however, that has the scale and experience to help you consolidate.

Pactera enables our customers to successfully implement their global go-to-market strategy by simplifying their End-to-End product localization with innovative marketing localization services. Pactera is a mature Language Service Provider. As such, Pactera leverages our large global community of creative translators, innovative tools/platforms, efficient processes and agile resource and project management practices. Leveraging Pactera’s extensive experience in helping large companies successfully enter global markets, we provide high quality transcreation and marketing localization services that meet customer’s expectations and creative preferences on the overall voice and message of their brand.

  • Marketing localization and product localization

As compared to product localization, where the user content is translated as close to the source content as possible, for marketing localization the localized content is creatively adapted to achieve the desired marketing effect in each local market. Acceptance criteria cannot be as explicitly defined as for user content/product localization. Quality becomes more subjective, based on client’s expectations and creative preferences.

  • Global management

To ensure continuous delivery and resource management as the project scaled up, additional PMs were hired in multiple global locations. With project managers in Europe, North America and Asia, Pactera’s project management team provided agile communication and effectively managed expectations of 20+ globally dispersed stakeholders.

3 What happens when bugs are found in the translated materials?

A) The issues are logged and solutions applied to the final material.

4 Who tracks the customer satisfaction with Pactera's services?

C) Pactera's internal customer satisfaction department.

5 What is a "follow the sun" model?

C) It is an approach by which all localization tasks must be completed within 24 hours.

6 Where are Pactera's centers of excellence located?

B) In Europe and the United States.

7 What happens after a client hands off content to be localized?

B) PM and engineering teams are set up, and translation teams and reference materials are created.
8 What are not valid reference materials for translation?
D) All answers are valid reference materials.

9 In the case study, how did Pactera help the client?

A) Pactera provided the client with 40 localization vendors.

QUESTION #10 What is usually the main reason that holds back companies from bringing their marketing to global markets?

B) The difficulty to localize content through multiple localization partners.

QUESTION #11 What is the main difference between marketing localization and product localization?

A) The translation of the marketing content needs to be adapted to achieve the same effect as the source content.

QUESTION #12 Currently, products and markets are evolving so quickly that…

A) the old way of working with different translation localizations partners is no longer viable.

QUESTION #13 Please select the false statement: Quality is more subjective in marketing localization…

C) because marketing texts are longer than regular product content.

QUESTION #14  What is not a valid element to improve the cost efficiencies?

A) Automation of processes
B) Highly skilled workforce
C) A small number of language experts

QUESTION #15 For how many stakeholders did Pactera's team provide agile management?

B) More than 20


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यहां आपके लिए सबसे बेहतरीन सर्वेक्षण मिलान दिए गए हैं। आपको सर्वोत्तम संभव पुरस्कार देने के लिए इन्हें सावधानीपूर्वक चुना गया है।

कृपया प्रश्नों को पढ़ने के लिए अपना समय लें और उनका सच्चाई से उत्तर दें अन्यथा आपका खाता अवरुद्ध किया जा सकता है ।


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