Trademark Registratio-Tm

Trademark Registration

@ Rs. 7,999*

*Professional Fees

Benefits of Trademark Registration 

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Exclusive Right 

The owner of a registered trademark gets the exclusive right to use. It reduces the risk of using your trade name, mark by a third person without your permission. The registered Trademark can take legal action against the third person who uses your Trademark without your permission

Limited liability

Build Trust and Goodwill

The registered Trademark helps you build trust, a sense of uniqueness, and goodwill for the business you operate in customers' minds. The customer starts associating quality associated with your goods or services with your Trademark. 

Intellectual Property 

The registered trademark becomes an intangible asset for the owner. The owner can sell, assign, franchise the registered trademark, which can fetch value in the long-term.

Fund Raising

Brand Popularity 

Once your brand is famous, you will get to attract more customers. People will start connecting with your trademark and refrain from competitors to copy it as you have already registered your trademark.

Eligibility For Trademark Registration

✔ An Individual (Person)

✔ Joint Owners

✔ Trust or Society

✔ Partnership Firm

✔ Limited Liability Partnership

✔ Indian Company

✔ Foreign Company

Process for OPC Registration 

Step 1: Preliminary Information

We will ask you to fill the form to give the necessary information, which will contain the required information. In case of any assistance, our team will support you.

Step 2: Search report

Post the information provided by you, our team will provide you with the search report with details of the availability of brand name for a trademark by accessing the database of already existing trademarks.

Step 3: Document Preparation

Once your brand name is available for the trademark, we move forward to document preparation as the next step for trademark registration. Before submitting the trademark application with authority, we will ask you to review and provide your feedback.

Step 4: Filing Trademark Application

Post incorporating your feedback, we will file your trademark application with the authorities. We will share the government fees and acknowledgment with you for your reference.

Documents Required for Trademark Registration

Identity proof of the trademark applicant (PAN card, passport or Aadhar card)

Incorporation certificate (if its a company or LLP) Udyog Aadhar registration certificate (if any)

Logo, name, tagline etc

Address proof 

Form 48 (Signed by applicant) is used to provide StartPay Online attorney with authorisation to file your trademark application on your behalf.

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